Bully Kutta

Bully Kutta | Bully Kutta Dog

The Bully Kutta also knows is the beast from the east is an alaunt type mastiff. It was bred for the sole purpose to hunt the wild animals. Due to it’s aggressive nature the Bully Kutta dog is not suitable for first time owners. However, it doesn’t mean that they are not suitable as a family pet, they are very suitable and can be the best gentle giants if you can control them abully-kutta-dognd be a pack leader to them. If you have more than one bully kuttas in the house you would probably have a problem at some point of them being fighting with each other. No matter how nicely you bring them up, but nature never changes. It’s in their nature to fight other dogs specially when challenged. They aren’t interested in fighting with the dogs that submit or don’t stand with a challenging posture in front of them. If you have a Bully Kutta along side a German Shepherd, they might be perfectly fine as German Shepherd isn’t a fighting dog and will not challenge Bully. However, if you have dogs like pit bulls, cane corso, bull mastiff, dogo argentino along side Bully Kutta or a bully kutta itself then you might end up with bloodied dogs all the time. All of the breeds I mentioned were bred for either fighting or hunting and naturally they would attack other dogs. I had been keeping Bully Kuttas for years and I have come to know one thing that the play fighting of bully kuttas can all of sudden change into real fight. You can have two bully dogs living together for years and not fighting and may a day will come that they will turn on each other.

Bully-kutta-redAs explained earlier Bully Kutta was bred for hunting purposes but later on the emperors of the time started to hunt with animals like cheetahs and Bully Kutta wasn’t used as a hunting dog after that, this changed the role of Bully Kutta from hunting to guarding. They were then used as guard dogs in the army or for the live stock. Bully Kuttas are very protective towards family and are one of best guard dogs. If you need a dog that’s huge, powerful, beautiful, balanced , well structured, great for gaming, excellent for guarding, fierce some looking and family friendly at the same time then Bully Kutta is the dog you are looking for.

Author: Dogs

This site is all about different dog breeds.

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